Chamber Benefits
Interested in joining the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce? Looking to get more out of your Chamber membership? In this section of our site you'll find information on:
- Joining the Chamber $32 per month auto draft
- Chamber Member Benefits
- Business Listed in the Annual Great Lake Living Magazine
- Membership Opportunities
- New Members
- New Member Jumpstart Checklist
- Member News
- Leadership Lake Norman
- Member Discounts -Office Depot Member Program Tickets at Work Staples-Mooresville
- Member Forum
- Free Listing
- Touch Lake Norman
- Use of the Randy Marion Conference Room (2nd Floor Chamber Office) 704.892.1922
- Grand Opening / Ground Breaking / Ribbon Cutting - let us promote for you!
- Host Events (Before Hours, Lunch, After Hours) 704.892.1922 for availability
Membership in the Chamber has its privileges including:
Your business will be seen by thousands of prospects who will view your listing in the Chamber's Online Business Directory and the Annual Great Lake Living Chamber Directory. Both listings are included in the Professional Level membership and higher. You'll also receive promotion through our business publications and members-only discount program. Chamber staff also provides member referrals for business category inquiries.
The Chamber offers a wide range of events and programs to help you expand your business contacts among vendors and prospects. Other networking opportunities include the Business Expo, Business Before Hours, Business After Hours, the Ambassador Program, membership lunches, formal networking sessions and participation in sporting tournaments. You can also expand your exposure in the Lake Norman business community by sponsoring Chamber events and programs.
For most businesses, access to information and services is a key to success. That's why the Chamber offers so many programs—including many free seminars and workshops—to help your business run more efficiently. For Chamber members, information comes in many forms. The Chamber's website also contains an abundance of information, including positions on key public policy issues, resources for small business and an online calendar of events.
As a member of the Lake Norman Chamber, you'll be part of the collective influence that's shaping Lake Norman and the entire region. You can take part in membership surveys and serve on committees specific to your interests such as public policy, sports, diversity and small business. You'll also be giving back to the community and improving the quality of life by influencing issues like transportation, business climate, workforce, education and community development. By joining force, we all have the opportunity to help shape the policies that affect our area. Working together works!
Chamber Benefits
By joining the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce you will open your business up to greater success, more growth and educational opportunities. The Chamber offers a variety of programs ranging in focus from casual networking to structured informational presentations, as well as marketing opportunities, services and discounts.
Business Mixers After Hours, Morning Business BeforeHours, Lunches, Grand Openings, Ribbon Cutting (All members are welcome and encouraged to host an event 704.892.1922)
- Held monthly at a member business for members and prospective members to network and socialize.
- Call to schedule YOUR event 704.892.1922
Business AfterHours / Mixer Monthly event usually held typically held the first and third Thursday of every month to provide an evening opportunity for new and prospective members to network and socialize.
Coffee Hour - morning drop in event held at a member business location day, time of their choice (Monday-Friday)
Networking Lunch - 11:45-1:15pm event hosted by a member business, day, time of their choice (Monday-Friday)
Ribbon Cutting and/or Grand Opening we bring the Big Scissors, Ribbon and handle invites. Great way to introduce your organization and meet folks from around the lake.
WINS Women's Only Open Networking Group - no cost to attend, no joining fee or obligations. Open to all women, retirees, professionals, newcomers, job seekers... Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month call 704.892.1922 to confirm.
Lake Norman Young Professionals - an organization that provides opportunities for young professionals (ages 21-39) in the Lake Norman Area. LKNYP is a group of like-minded people who have the desire to network, learn, and serve their community. For more information please call the chamber 704.892.1922 or email
Lake Norman Diversity Council Meetings, PowerLunches, Women's Conference. 704.892.1922
Non-Profit Roundtable Meeting held quarterly hosted by local organizations
Join our Ambassador Group! 704.892.1922
Lunch and Learn
- Program held each month at noon at the Chamber, designed to offer a variety of new information, resources, and tips to help members grow their businesses. Members are encouraged to host a workshop and/or sponsor the lunch at the workshops 704.892.1922
Power Luncheons
- Quarterly luncheons that feature a business or community leader to speak on a range of topical issues including: economic development, education, legislative activities and transportation initiatives.
Focus Fridays Held the third Friday of each month, Focus Friday is a government affairs program that examines community and legislative issues that affect the Lake Norman business community.
Leadership Program Junior / Adult
BiZ Works Members "need to know" session
- A review of the chamber benefits, how to enhance your online listing, network and share ideas. Held Quarterly 704.892.1922
Web-Based Marketing
- The growth of e-commerce in recent years has lead the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce to develop an online membership directory on the Chamber's website. The directory provides a virtual profile for each member, complete with maps and direct links to the member's website. Because the Chamber gets many inquiries about businesses, non-profits and other resources in the area, this a valuable addition to your marketing program – and it's completely free!
Online Display Advertising
- The Chamber is giving members an additional opportunity to gain added exposure on it's website by offering display banner advertising opportunities throughout the site. Space and availability is limited to preserve the integrity of the site.
- By sponsoring a Chamber event, a member business receives high visibility among the leaders of the Lake Norman business community. Sponsors' names are prominently displayed at the event, and promoted through pre-event publicity and mailings to members and potential members.
Visitor Center Kiosk - Touch Lake Norman
Great Lake Living Magazine, published annually 15,000 copies.
Office Depot Chamber Program
- As a member of the Lake Norman Chamber you will enjoy an average savings of 51-83% off the list price on the "top buy" list, free next day delivery on in-stock orders of $50 or more, and additional discounts on large orders. REGISTER YOUR ORGANIZATION TODAY!
Lead Referrals
- Every day the Chamber received requests for business recommendations. This includes local businesses and residents looking for quality products and services, as well as visitors asking for recommendations and relocation information. The Chamber serves as your agent for new customers and business, for information on upcoming government bids and economic development projects.
Grand Openings/Ribbon Cuttings
- If you are opening a new business or holding a grand opening, the Chamber can assist by offering use of its over-sized ceremonial ribbon cutting scissors. Board members, Chamber staff or volunteers will attend to welcome you to Lake Norman and the Chamber of Commerce. There is no cost to you or your business - member benefit.
Meeting Facilities
- As a member, you are able to use the Chamber's meeting facility (850 square feet) Randy Marion Conference Room at a special reduced rate. It's a great way to get your employees away from their everyday environment for training, meetings, etc. or as a place to meet with clients. We have an overhead projector screen that connects to your laptop for slide show or PowerPoint presentations. Can be booked for weekends, evenings, etc. Call for availability 704.892.1922 $20 per hour members, $35 an hour non-chamber member