"Town Talk" Connecting You with the Heartbeat of the Lake Norman Region

Welcome to the "Town Talk" Radio Show on WSIC (105.9 FM - Lake Norman & 100.7 FM and 1400 AM - Statesville/Mooresville), your definitive guide to everything local in the Lake Norman community! Join us live every Wednesday from 4 pm to 5 pm for a riveting hour with our host, Bill Russell, the President of the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce. Each episode of "Town Talk" delves into the vibrant dynamics of our area, spotlighting local businesses, non-profits, and the dedicated individuals who are integral to our community's prosperity. Tune in to hear from a diverse lineup of guests including local business leaders, non-profit champions, town staff, and elected officials, all sharing their stories, challenges, and visions. With Bill’s deep-rooted passion and extensive knowledge of Lake Norman, the show not only connects you to the heartbeat of our community but also informs and entertains, making it an exceptional part of your week. Town Talk can be found on You-Tube Live, Facebook, Instagram and "X"
Visit the “Town Talk” link below to access the Channel and remember to “Subscribe” to the channel and “Like” the video.
Call the office 704.892.1922 or Bill at russell@lakenormanchamber.org with any questions.